
1 John: Living in the Light is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Expository Pulpit Series provides 14 volumes of chapter-by-chapter alliterated commentary that will help your preaching and teaching become more effective and memorable. The volumes in this series are written with the preacher in mind. The author of this series, Dr. Glen Spencer, has been an expository preacher for 31 years and currently serves as pastor of the Vernon Baptist Church in...

He is the author and finisher of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2) John assures them that the word of God is abiding in them and that God is still working and has a plan for their life. Thirdly, there is the Consummation Of The Christian Life. By using the term fathers (1 John 2:14), John speaks of the mature Christian—one who has grown to a place of spiritual maturity in Christ. These, through surrender to Christ and the study of His word, have grown up in Christ. This is not speaking of the age of the
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